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Holla if You're Worth the Whole Dolla: The Most Powerful Women's Equal Pay Shirts

Equal Pay Shirt, Latina T-Shirt, Feminist Tee, Social Justice Shirt, Equal Pay Tee, Best Equal Wages Shirt, Latina Equal Pay Shirt

As the proud owner of Got a Latina?®I am thrilled to share with you our powerful social justice brand; Holla if You're Worth the Whole Dolla™. Our equal pay apparel line is a powerful call for justice and a bold statement for gender and racial pay parity! Latinas in particular, face one of the largest pay disparities. According to data from the National Women's Law Center, Latinas earn just 55 cents for every dollar earned by non-Hispanic white men. This gap not only highlights economic inequality but also the systemic biases that affect women of color in the workforce. Holla if You're Worth the Whole Dolla™ is a message of empowerment, reminding everyone that the fight for equal pay is far from over, and that women are worth the WHOLE dollar!

Equal Pay Shirt, Latina T-Shirt, Feminist Tee, Social Justice Shirt, Equal Pay Tee, Best Equal Wages Shirt, Latina Equal Pay Shirt

An Ongoing Battle for Equal Pay

I launched the Holla if You're Worth the Whole Dolla™ brand to raise everyday awareness to pay disparities as oppose to highlighting these inequities a few times a year. The fight for equal pay has been a long and challenging journey. Years ago, I watched an interview with Oprah Winfrey that left a lasting impression on me. She shared a story from 1980, when she was earning $22,000 a year as a news anchor while her male co-anchor was making $50,000 for the same job. When Oprah confronted her boss about this glaring disparity, his wage gap by pointing out that her male colleague had more personal response was, "Why should you make that much money?" He tried to justify the responsibilities, like children and a mortgage. Oprah replied that she didn't have those responsibilities, but that shouldn't have mattered. They were doing the same job and deserved equal pay.

This story is a stark reminder of the injustices that have persisted for decades. We must continue to challenge these outdated and unfair notions. But it also empowers me and drives my mission with Got a Latina?®. We stand for equality and fairness. We believe every woman, regardless of her background, deserves to be paid what she's worth.

At Got a Latina?®, we champion this cause with our Holla if You're Worth the Whole Dolla collection. We believe in raising awareness about the gender and racial pay gap. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that no woman has to justify her right to equal pay ever again.

Equal Pay Shirt, Latina T-Shirt, Feminist Tee, Social Justice Shirt, Equal Pay Tee, Best Equal Wages Shirt, Latina Equal Pay Shirt

Fashion as a Tool for Change

Fashion has always been a powerful medium for expressing identity and beliefs. With our Holla if You're Worth the Whole Dolla™ collection, Got a Latina?®, amplifies the voices of all women, particularly Latinas, ensuring that our fight for equality is seen and heard. This powerful Latina-owned apparel brand serves as a reminder that change starts with awareness and that every person has a role to play in advocating for justice. By wearing our social justice shirts, you are not only making a fashion statement but also joining a movement for change.

Equal Pay Shirt, Latina T-Shirt, Feminist Tee, Social Justice Shirt, Equal Pay Tee, Best Equal Wages Shirt, Latina Equal Pay Shirt

Be Part of the Change

Our Holla if You're Worth the Whole Dolla™ collection is exclusively available at Got a Latina?®, ensuring that this powerful message remains authentic and true to its roots. By purchasing and wearing our shirts, you are standing with all women in their fight for equal pay!


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